Tuesday, May 28, 2013

U.S. History Timeline 1962-1975

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In the 1960s and early 1970s, the USA went through several phases of change and renewal. New governmental regemes were created, three presidential terms were served, and many historical movements for rights and liberties took place. African Americans across the country protested for the same equal rights as White Americans. Women of both ethnicities protested for equality in voting rights and other unfair governmental systems. The Vietnam War also took place and the fight against Communism was very real. The threat it imposed upon the United States government was boundless and was also far reaching to all ways of life throughout the entire country. The United States went through tragedy, turmoil, and triumph all through the 1960s and 70s. It happened to the Upper Class, the Middle Class, the Lower Class, the Elderly, the Middle Aged, and the Young, all receiving the same hardships and achievements in their own ways.

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